Quantity Minimum Sales unit Escrow Reviews Availability Price per pc. Total price
38 pcs.
494 kW
1 pcs.
13 kW
2 Ratings
In stock, PL
ID: 118907
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Performance data

Power 13,0 KW
Power max. 13,0 KW
Current 40,0 A
Current Max. 40,0 A
Voltage 750,0 V
Voltage Max. 1.000,0 V
String Inputs 3
Power 10,0 KW
Power max. 10,0 KW
Current 14,5 A
Current Max. 14,5 A


length 198 mm
width 449 mm
Height 519 mm
weight 28 kg

Manufacturer warranty

Product warranty n/a


Data Sheet Download icon
FoxESS AC3-10.0E Harness the power of the sun day and night with the ground-breaking range of Hybrid & AC inverters. Full of
advanced features and compatible with our very own range of high-voltage batteries, the hybrid range from Fox ESS. It is a new class of Inverter. 
Easily expand your system by just add extra batteries. There are three battery series you can choose, which enables a storage capacity of up to 33.24 kWh. There are Max. 10 storage inverters can be connected in parallel to allow you enlarge the system scale base on different installation requirement. 
  • Easy Installation
  • High Voltage
  • IP65 Rated
  • Remote Monitoring



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