Socket Support for RESU10/RESU12/RESU13

LG Chem

Type: EMBR00069AA

floor socket for the RESU10/RESU12/RESU13

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length 257 mm
width 452 mm
Height 100 mm
weight 9 kg

Manufacturer warranty

Product warranty n/a


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Type: EMBR00069AA

floor socket for the RESU10/RESU12/RESU13

LG Chem

LG Chem Ltd., often referred to as LG Chemical, is the largest Korean chemical company and is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. According to Chemical and Engineering News, it was the 13th largest chemical company in the world by sales in 2014 LG Chem completed development and began mass production of Korea’s first lithium-ion batteries back in 1999. At the end of 2011, LG Chem was the world’s third-largest maker with an annual production capacity of 1,000 million cells. It is also a supplier of automotive battery for electric vehicles.


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