Wallbox 11kW 3-PH 400V 16A 5m Kabel Typ 2


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length 486 mm
width 351 mm
Height 109 mm
weight 0 kg

Manufacturer warranty

Product warranty n/a


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Status LED, connector locking, automatic connector unlocking in the event of a power failure, PE monitoring (DC fault current detection 6mA), contactor adhesive detection, fault shutdown procedure, all-pole, protection class IP54, replaceable designer cover.


Whether it's automobile manufacturing, power generation or water treatment - hardly any industry today can do without electronics and electrical connection technology. At the same time, in an internationalized world characterized by technological change, the complexity of the requirements is increasing rapidly due to new markets. New, more diverse challenges need to be mastered, the solution of which does not lie in the high-tech product alone. Connections, be it of energy, signals and data, of requirement and solution or of theory and practice, are the key. Industrial connectivity needs connections. And that's exactly what we stand for.


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