HIKRA PLUS DB 10mm², Black 500 m


HIKRA PLUS DB 10mm², Black 500 m
  • Nominal voltage: 1,5kV DC and 1,0kV AC
  • Maximum permitted operating voltage: 1,8kV DC (2,0 kV DC internal examination)
  • Voltage test on complete cable: 6,5kV AC / 15kV DC (5 minutes water bath, 20±5°C)
  • Short-circuit-temperature 250° C/5s
  • Temperature Ambient temperature: -40° C to +90°C
  • Maximum conductor temperature: +120° C
  • Maximum storage temperature: +40°C
  • Minimum temperature for installation: -25°C

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length 400 mm
width 400 mm
Height 440 mm
weight 58 kg

Manufacturer warranty

Product warranty 2 years


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HIKRA PLUS DB 10mm², Black 500 m
  • Nominal voltage: 1,5kV DC and 1,0kV AC
  • Maximum permitted operating voltage: 1,8kV DC (2,0 kV DC internal examination)
  • Voltage test on complete cable: 6,5kV AC / 15kV DC (5 minutes water bath, 20±5°C)
  • Short-circuit-temperature 250° C/5s
  • Temperature Ambient temperature: -40° C to +90°C
  • Maximum conductor temperature: +120° C
  • Maximum storage temperature: +40°C
  • Minimum temperature for installation: -25°C


As a leading international manufacturer of solar cables, string boxes pluggable cable solutions and in-line fuses for the PV industry, we have worked hard since the company was founded, to improve the cabling and connecting of solar plants. This is better for the installer, better for the operator and better for the environment.


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