SOLARFLEX 1x4mm² EN50618 black 100m


SOLARFLEX 1x4mm² EN50618 black 100m
  • Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +90°C
  • Max. Temperature at Conductor: +120°C
  • Nominal Voltage: AC 1,0/1,0 kV; DC 1,5/1,5 kV
  • Maximum permissible DC voltage: 1.8 kV
  • Test Voltage: AC 6.5 kV
  • Minimum Bend Radius: permanently installed 5x cable Ø

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length 100.000 mm
width n/a
Height n/a
weight 6 kg

Manufacturer warranty

Product warranty n/a


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SOLARFLEX 1x4mm² EN50618 black 100m
  • Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +90°C
  • Max. Temperature at Conductor: +120°C
  • Nominal Voltage: AC 1,0/1,0 kV; DC 1,5/1,5 kV
  • Maximum permissible DC voltage: 1.8 kV
  • Test Voltage: AC 6.5 kV
  • Minimum Bend Radius: permanently installed 5x cable Ø


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